Jessye's new toy
Still no gamma knife news but I'm not hassling them about it. I dare say we'll hear one way or the other in due course. Meanwhile it's quite nice not knowing. I mean, if they tell us she can have it, we'll have the worry of whether it will do the trick eventually and whether there will be any damaging side-effects and if they tell us she can't, we'll have the worry of Rosie living with the risk of a potentially lethal bleed from the AVM. At the moment the ignorance is bliss. Occupational therapy and language therapy are going well and on Tuesday, which marks the 6-week end-of-recovery, Rosie will take herself to her appointments by herself by tram since I'll be at work.
Jessye's been doing a maths refresher this week at RMIT before starting her new course, Bachelor of Engineering (Biomedical). Peter bought her a cheap little electric lawn mower from Bunnings because Jessye was wanting to clean up their backyard to enjoy the last lazy days of summer holiday before uni starts. We all had a go.