Staples out, Physio/Pilates starts
Yesterday marked 2 weeks from the 2nd operation, day the staples could be removed. We were discharged with the handy staple-remover for the GP's nurse to use. It was the first time the tape was off and Rosie's 14 staples were on display.

The nurse took every second one out...

then went back for the others. Some hurt more than Rosie had been led to believe.

The last one comes out!

Now just two more weeks until Rosie can wash her hair - that will be cause for celebration!

Even with the scar exposed in this do, it's pretty subtle. You'd have to be considerably taller than Rosie to really see it and not many people are.

Rosie was keen to start physio/pilates again with her fabulous physio, Frank Care, who has a Clinical Pilates studio not far from us. Frank didn't know what to expect but was pleasantly surprised to see that, although Rosie has lost some muscle tone in hospital, she is in reasonable shape and is ready to resume her regular program to regain some strength.

With this high ponytail there is no visible evidence of brain surgery at all.

Rosie has to take it quietly for 2 more weeks ie stay home or only go out with me or somebody. Then she can gradually increase activity until normality at the 6-week mark. She is desperate to get me out from under her feet so was thrilled to hear I had a hair appointment at cousin Stanley Archibald's salon in town tomorrow. Rosie's not the only one having bad hair days.