32 pieces of salmon sushi in 24 hours
Rosie was looking forward to school today because at 11:30 she had special art (mosaic on pots) and after lunch special maths (a group of seven kids from her class doing accelerated stuff). She proudly showed Wilma a full page of numbers and diagrams she had drawn - no mean feat considering she could hardly hold a pencil a week ago.
For lunch Rosie wanted to indulge her passion for salmon sushi so they hit Yori Yori in Collingwood. By 1:15 she had set her all-time record of finishing 32 pieces of salmon sushi in just over 24 hours - most impressive use of chopsticks with her right hand too.
She found her friend Joey in the playground at the end of lunchtime.
Tonight was Rosie's first piano lesson since before hospital. She could still play her pieces if somewhat shakily in the right hand and Ching Ling was encouraging.