Christmas in Christchurch
26 days in NZ in 5 main locations is a daunting task to summarise but I'll try it in smaller batches. Firstly, Christmas in Christchurch. The girls and I crossed the ditch on December 19, Peter's birthday (we had his a day early) and Peter joined us in Christchurch on the 24th. Eleanor had already gone over on the 18th. We stayed at Chris and Grant's place and Dave, Kirsty and the boys came over to help erect a tent in the back yard should the need arise. Alex and his 3 kids were in Chch too and didn't waste any time coming over to hang out. It was a rare treat to get all those kids together.

Before Peter arrived the girls and I visited Aunty Ede who was in particularly good form. Jessye and Ede were on a roll conversationally and the hour or so we spent with her passed quickly and entertainingly.

No visit to Frank and Diane's place with the girls is complete without making flower pies, a Diane specialty which she introduced to the girls when they were much smaller. I don't think they'll ever grow out of the pleasure of creating the colourful masterpieces. F and D have just become proud owners of their first computer and Jessye was able to give them some instruction.

Excitement mounted with the arrival of Jenny, Nat, Coco and Peter and preparations were underway for Christmas day at Kirsty and Dave's place. For Sophie this meant the shelling of a few thousand peas - help was shunned in favour of having all the glory for herself. Peter's extended family gathered at Chris and Grant's for a Christmas Eve party. Highlights were a slide show from Grant's ancient archives enabling the kids to have a good laugh at their juvenile parents and some silly games devised by our MC, Kirsty.

Xmas Day couldn't have been more perfect in Christchurch - sunny, calm and warm. After presents inside by the Christmas tree we were able to enjoy being outside all day including dining in a beautiful spot under the trees. Jessye, Rosie and Sophie gave some novelty presents including 4 silly hats with accessories which made the rounds.

On the 27th, the whole shebang (Chris and Grant, Peter, Jenny and Kirsty with their families and later, cousin Alex and Jane) moved north in convoy to some cabins on an orchard at Riwaka (near Motueka and many beautiful beaches). Stay tuned for the next installment.