Party on
Just backtracking slightly to the tail end of Grandma Chris's visit, the clan outside our local Italian on the last night.

On departure day we went across the road to the Museum where the flying tram from the Commonwealth Games opening ceremony is on display and then went out to the airport for a drink and goodbye.

Jessye and Sophie with too much time on their hands tried to teach Fred and Barney to play the piano.

It was an exciting day when the exercise equipment recommended by Rosie's physio, Susan, was delivered. Initial inappropriate use has since calmed down and everybody makes good use of it, even Mum.

Chris's Spy Alley gift came in handy when we spent a day during the holidays with Briar and her boys. They have just the right amount of whackiness to get on very well with our lot.

Sophie discovered that she likes broccoli as long as it has soy sauce with it! Just goes to show that we are not necessarily doomed to repeat the mistakes of our parents.

On July 1st, the last Saturday night of our holidays, Rosie's three best friends, Joey, Lisa and Greer came over for a meal followed by an excursion to Circus Oz under the big top next to the Yarra. We took the tram both ways and cavorted downtown while wandering through Fed Square on the way home.

The next day was the promised retail therapy at Chadstone Mall. Sophie shows some signs of wear after a hard day of spending Mum's money.

I got a call one night from my cousin (1st) Raynette, younger sister of Garry and Margaret (Woodhouse) for those who can keep up with the many-branched family tree. She looks after a quadraplegic law professor in Brisbane who had a conference to attend in Melbourne. I hadn't seen Raynette for about 25 years or something similar and we had a great night out at a Southbank eatery.

Then more socialising with violinmaker John Harte and his wife, Paddy, (sister of Michael Houstoun) who were holidaying here for a few days. We had a day on the town together and they joined us for a Vietnamese one night and came to an MSO concert (which I wasn't playing in) featuring violinist, Midori whose Guaneri del Gesu violin John was keen to get his hands on briefly. I took them to the dress rehearsal where we met Midori and John had a good look at the fiddle.

Sophie demonstrating what passes for creativity at our house. She later plugged in and illuminated herself which Peter pointed out might be dangerous so we discouraged it after taking the pictures.

Susan, the physio, came this morning and worked with Rosie for an hour and an half. She's very pleased with Rosie's progress since her first visit a month ago and has given us more exercises to continue with. Rosie's next MRI will be sometime in the next week.