A pretty exciting day
More pics than usual because it was a pretty exciting day. Rosie wanted to go to school for year 5/6 sports which was a little worrying for Wilma but she went along with it while sticking closer than usual. Rosie is back to enjoying running but just short spurts, not her normal cross-country tendencies. She relished the opportunity to run up and down the court during a short game of basketball. She is adapting quite well to her loss of right peripheral vision by turning her head more rather than thinking there's nothing there just because she can't see it. This and her natural caution stood her in good stead giving her the feeling of being involved in something vaguely athletic again while staying (reassuringly for Wilma) on the fringes of the real action. The only time she didn't avoid contact was when the game had finished and she gently cantered straight into a teacher who was standing to her right. However, we might give such sport a miss for a little while if we can get away with it, for the mother's peace of mind. Half days at school seem to be about right for Rosie at the moment.
Rosie let Wilma have something other than sushi for lunch at Red Tongue on Brunswick St - this life of lunching, shopping and swanning about is going to be hard to give up.
After a restful afternoon the three girls (Jessye's still at camp) headed of to Archibald's, Wilma's cousin Stanley Archibald's beautiful hair salon in Hardware St where the lovely ladies who work with Stanley set about improving Rosie and Sophie's coiffure.
A short tram ride home and then a surprise waiting in the form of a beautiful bunch of flowers from the NZSO to Rosie. She was thrilled but asked why they sent her flowers when they don't really know her - Wilma pointed out she had in fact been known since the days of crawling around the old tea room. She felt very lucky to be remembered with flowers from 2 orchestras in 2 days - just last night the MSO had given her some too.