No gamma knife news
I had a call from John Fuller, gamma knife man, on Wednesday just to report that the CD containing the comprehensive detail of Rosie's prior radiation treatment at Peter Mac in Melbourne, had finally been sent to Macquarie on Monday but had not been received by Wednesday. Therefore, he couldn't give us any news. We are just getting on with things and not thinking too much about gamma knife since it'll either happen or it won't and there's not a lot we can do about that.
Russell and Barb came over for lunch, bringing food and a bag-full of nice 500-piece puzzles for our entertainment.

On Thursday morning we saw Rose Acher, one of the rehabilitation doctors at Epworth Hospital. She assessed Rosie and put in place a plan involving twice-weekly visits to the rehab centre seeing a language therapist, occupational therapist and physiotherapist each visit. Finally, our health insurance is being really useful and Rosie will get some really coordinated help. This morning we saw Tim, the OT, for an initial assessment. He took a look at how much movement and control Rosie has of her right arm,

how much strength she has in her right hand grip

and how much she can feel on her right arm and hand.

Next week we'll see him and Anna, the language therapist, again and by the week after, the physio may be on board too.
Meanwhile, Rosie's continuing to do really great work with Bill Connors in Pittsburgh, using his brilliant online tool to do lots of practice by herself and having two face-to-face sessions a week with him on the computer.
Today, she went back to MLC for lunch with some friends at the restaurant where she cooked last year. Her friend, Annie, is cooking this year so I might get to go again myself one day if I play my cards right.