The difference that a week makes
Now that she is in a more familiar environment, it is easier to see
the effects of Rosie's illness.
The right hand side of her face is a little lifeless, and the left hand side has to do the work. You can see in her photos the smile going up on one side and down on the other.
She is a little reluctant to write or draw with right hand, and she needs to be encouraged to use it.
She sometimes bumps into things and people on her right hand side and can occasionally walk past you without seeing you.
She is cheerful and vigorous, but she can tire of an activity after a while and withdraw into her self and lie down.
Rosie and Peter built a desk for her today and put it in the
downstairs TV room. While she covalesces she can work, play games on
the Internet, make stuff, watch TV, or lie on the sofa.