Best in Show
On Thursday night Wilma, Sophie and Rosie caught the tram downtown for some of their usual fare but in the more upmarket environment than usual of Kuni on Little Bourke St - delicious and elegant.

The big event on Friday afternoon was going to check out two puppies for sale. For years Rosie has been agitating for a dog with support from her sisters and father. Wilma has been somewhat reluctant to take on more animal life while of course appreciating the cuteness and fun factor. However, since Rosie's illness she has been more inclined to seize the day so when the clamour grew to a deafening roar Wilma joined in too. Peter did the research and the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel was decided on as a breed. On Friday we met the two puppies, brothers who we named Fred and Barney, and their Mum and Dad (Dad's the single colour brown one in the pic with Jessye). We agreed to buy them and come back for them on Sunday afternoon.

Finally, the time to pick up the puppies came. They are undeniably cuties and will fit right in to the general chaos. The cats were very wary at first but even this morning are looking a bit more relaxed about the intruders. Last night Barney managed to get himself inside the workings of one of the sleep-sofas and only the worried vocalising of his brother nearby alerted us to his whereabouts. He got in but obviously couldn't or wouldn't get out. (I don't think the breed is famous for its intellectuals.) Two of Rosie's friends are coming over today to check out the new babies (they are 14 weeks old). With the puppies' progress to chronicle as well as Rosie's, we probably won't be able to resist sharing more often than once a week so do check in from time to time.