Continuing to delight
Fred and Barney continue to delight and we are finally making good use of Carlton Gardens. Tiny, the shyest of the cats, is steering well clear of the puppies still.
Sophie's cello lesson with Zoe was lots of fun. She's lucky to have such a wonderful teacher.

On Saturday night we, with F and B in tow, visited our good friends and also former Wellingtonians, Adele and Kon Dimopoulis and their daughters. Kon has just been awarded a grant to create a substantial work of art involving a lot of painted trees for the Commonwealth Games. They had just got a new kitten so there was an abundance of small animal life.

With school holidays upon us and Wilma back at work, Wilma's cousin, Kasi, from Auckland kindly agreed to come over and keep us in order for a few weeks. The girls always have a good time with Kasi and she spoils them with lots of nice prezzies.

While the rest of the household were valiently trying to train Fred and Barney at puppy school on Monday night, Wilma attended Jessye's Lauriston Xavier Concert, an annual event held this year in Xavier's beautiful chapel. Jessye played in the combined string orchestra and did herself proud.