A beautiful Melbourne day
Wilma and Rosie celebrated Rosie's officially sanctioned full return to school by taking the day off. Firstly a little flower arranging and the NZSO's lilies have really opened up in all their glory.

They took the tram into town to shop for Jessye's birthday present and then got back onto the #96 to the end of the line, St Kilda Beach. Wilma had always wanted to try Donovan's, the rather classy looking joint right on the beach and thought this was just the occasion. The girls arrived at 12:00 before the real lunchers showed up so had the place pretty much to themselves for a while. Rosie tried out a few of the indoor and outdoor seating areas. They shared fish and chips (but what fish and chips!) and a small baby prawn risotto. Yum. Rosie was very impressed with her tomato sauce receptacle - we'd never thought of using the gravy boat! Hot chocolates were accompanied by four deliciously evil chocolates. Rosie, in her typically thoughtful way, decided they should share one and take the other three home for the poor deprived other members of the family. It was a beautiful Melbourne day on the beach, a calm 27 degrees and sunny.

Later, Rosie and Sophie headed for their lessons at the pool (Rosie's friend, Joey, is in the same swimming class which adds to the entertainment value).

When Rosie goes back to school by herself she and Wilma will miss their escapades, culinary and otherwise but have lots of happy memories of a special time together.