Speech pathologist
My cousins Garry and Margaret Woodhouse came to visit this afternoon and Merlyne took the opportunity to catch up with them too. While they were here
a speech pathologist came to work with Rosie, focusing in this first session on the naming difficulties Rosie is experiencing. She gave Rosie a standard test comprised of six or so pages each containing 12 pictures of objects to be identified. If Rosie couldn't immediately name the object, the lady (forgot her name) would give her a clue about its use or nature which would often be enough of a prompt to get the right answer. If that didn't work, she would sound out the beginning of the word which would usually lead to the right answer. She said the way Rosie's brain was working through the various stages was encouraging and that she should keep improving. She left us more material to work through with Rosie tomorrow and she will be back to do more with her on Monday.

At Rosie's request we had pizza for dinner. Peter and I walked to Crust at Macquarie Centre to pick up our phone order. I had mistakenly ordered two gigantic rectangular pizzas because our Crust in Melbourne has moderate circular ones and I thought they would be the same.

Then we took over the Ward 2 guest lounge to watch the Federer vs Tomic match - Jessye and I watched, Sophie half-watched and Peter and Rosie did other stuff in the same room.

Rosie is experimenting with no nap today to see if she has a long solid sleep tonight with no distractions in her room. She has a slight headache just now and will have panadol before bed. She asked if that meant something was wrong. I told her it was only five days since brain surgery and a slight headache now and then was actually fabulous. She doesn't use anywhere near her quota of eight panadol per day. We'll again ask her night nurse to not wake her up early in the morning if she's asleep.