Sandra came over on Friday, picked Rosie up and took her to lunch at her and David's restaurant, Manhattan, then worked on some reading with her. She will do something with Rosie regularly.

That evening, old friend from Martinborough, Ed Allen, came over for dinner. Ed is the former Principal Horn of the NZSO and is now a very regular visitor to the MSO while we're searching for our own new Principal Horn.

Peter made Bruschetta and Brazilian fish stew and for dessert we polished off Rosia's flourless chocolate cake from lunch the other day.

Rosie wore one of her Sydney Gorman outlet purchases.

Yesterday, it was my turn to take Sophie to Geelong for a regatta. She is in the quad scull division 4, one division up from last year. Her crew came 2nd in their heat which got them into the A final in which they placed 3rd. A fine effort. Sophie is in 3 seat, just behind the stroke, which was usually Jessye's seat in the Lauriston four, coincidentally.

Last night, we all went to the MSO's Frozen Planet concert, a BBC production conducted by the composer. It was his music played to some amazing Arctic Circle and Antartica footage.

Today's a big day. We will all go to the airport to pick up Jessye who is flying between Darwin and Melbourne as I write on her way back from Japan. Then at 10:30pm Rosie has an online language therapy session with Bill Connors in Pittsburgh. It's an odd time for him, 6:30am, and us, but suits them both - he likes an early start and Rosie likes a late finish.