The day after
Rosie didn't need any more Dexamethasone on Thursday night and woke up feeling fine on Friday. Wilma wanted to keep an eye on her so persuaded her to take another day off school. By lucky chance Greer was also taking a sickie so she hung out with Rosie and Wilma for the day. Wilma needed to pick her violin up from Dick's place after an adjustment so the girls had another opportunity to play with the kittens and explored Dick's workshop including having a look at his brand new partly varnished cello hanging up in the ultraviolet cupboard to dry. Just as she was leaving Dick's Rosie felt a little headache coming on so had some panadol which did the trick.

Then it was just like the good old days with Rosie's favourite lunch downtown.

After picking Sophie and Joey up from school it was time for swimming and Rosie was certainly not going to sit that out. She bowled up to Lindsey, her teacher, and proudly announced that she'd had her radiosurgery yesterday and called Wilma over to confirm that she wasn't making it up. She seemed to have her normal amount of stamina in the pool.

Later it was time to visit the video shop for a long weekend's supply of blobbing material. Rosie (and the rest of the team) had a very lazy evening - she had the good grace to look a bit tired and feel a little floppy as did everybody else. Wilma gave her Panadol for a mild headache just before bed.

The day after went pretty well.
Some highlights of the previous couple of weeks:
Going to hear Sophie's cello teacher, Zoe Knighton, play the Elgar Concerto with the Stonnington Symphony Orchestra (SSO) and seeing Barb and Dick and the KITTENS afterwards.

A first meeting with the gorgeous Harris Thomson (5 months), son of Andrew and Nic who were visiting Melbourne for a few days....

...followed by dinner at one of the girls' favourite (and Peter's least favourite) joints, the Hard Rock Cafe.

Rosie's debut concert with Henri Touzeau Strings with pictures from the dress rehearsal and Rosie in Fijian grass skirt for the concert which was a fancy dress affair - native costume.