Last Sunday was a hot, fine day ideal for water pursuits. Greer came over for the day and we started with kayaking on the Yarra. Jessye, Rosie and Greer had a kayak each and Sophie had to come with me in a double. She was a little peeved at missing out some of the photo opportunities but is quite happy to recline in the front seat leaving all the work to her slave in the back. After lots of splash fights everybody was well-saturated.

We went home to dry off then headed downtown for sushi.

On the way home we stopped to make everybody's dream come true at a small park down the road just up from Parliament Buildings. The attraction is a fountain which is like a giant shower and, naturally, very tempting on a hot day. Miraculously there isn't a sign telling you to keep out and the other park patrons didn't seem to mind so the girls went for it.

Later in the afternoon with water wishes out of the system we drove an hour or so out of Melbourne to Barry Tuckwell's place for his 75th birthday party. Barry was one of the greatest horn players of the 20th century originally from these parts and he's come back to "retire" here. He is on the staff at Melbourne University and the board of the MSO. Fred and Barney came too.

Rosie started getting headaches (not terrible ones but enough to need Panadol) during the week so I've followed Wirginia's instructions and put her back onto a low dose of Dexamethasone for about 5 days and then we'll do the gradual weaning process again. She's developed her left-handed writing enough to use now which is a little less cumbersome than her previous two-handed method. Her right side weakness seems to be stable at the moment ie no change that I can perceive.