As usual, there were a hectic few weeks leading up to Christmas. Highlights included lunch with the remarkable Susan and Don Fry, Rosia’s birthday, and the visit of Wilma’s long lost colleague Steve Mackie from Boston days.

After the final Messiah, the ladies got away to Whitianga on 18 December for their annual dose of sanity and good spirits with the Armstrong-Scotts. They picked up Tara at AKL and drove through the night to get their holiday started as soon as possible. They only had a few days but managed to fit in all the usual fun, including the annual visit to the pigs, the annual visit to the waterfall, the annual visit to Cathedral Cove, Donald’s straight-from-the-ocean sashami, and Indian night. With the people mover full, Sophie was relegated to the boot.

The trip to Christchurch for Christmas was interrupted by a 5.8 earthquake which closed the airport just before the ladies were due to land. They were sent back, first to Wellington, then to Auckland, and finally ended up in Paraparaumu later that evening. The whole party bunked down at Alex’s place and caught the ferry the next morning.
The Cook Straight ferry is one of those comforting New Zealand institutions that provides continuity from generation to generation, and the party had a splendid day for it. They stopped for some crayfish just after Kaikoura… note the wallet on the bonnet of the car in the picture. It was subsequently recovered minus several hundred dollars.

The full family was assembled on Christmas Eve: Peter and Elle had come by other journeys and had their own tales to tell.
Christmas went off in traditional style, including the annual water fight.

We had an unexpected visit from Aunty Anna on Boxing Day.

The full party then went north to Hamner and stayed in a farmstay. A jet boat ride courtesy of Grandma and Grandad put smiles on the faces of even the more dour members of the party. The weather set in somewhat but there were always the Hamner hot pools, and a large spa pool on site. We also celebrated Peter HJ's birthday. Peter Watt’s attempt to go up country in a 4x4 failed when the car hit a rock and split a tire and there was no option but to turn back.

The Christchurch council had opened up Ballentynes and tidied up the Cashel St mall area for Christmas to try and improve morale, but peering through the fence and the deserted streets in the downtown area was sobering… everyone has vivid memories of Christchurch’s bustling city area, now abandoned.

On New Years Eve everyone got on silly costumes, played silly games, performed delightful items, then we were all silllyed out and went home.

The remnants of the party, Wilma, Rosie, and Sophie went north to visit the elder stateswomen Aunty Jane, Aunty Tina, and Janetta, but not before another alarming 5.7 earthquake at 5:45am to hurry them on their way.