Back to normal
Fred and Barney had their stitches removed and don't have to wear silly cones anymore. Sophie took the opportunity while at the vet's to meet a couple of other visitors.

Sophie had her own bit of medical excitement when she showed up at the cardiologist's office at Children's Hospital to have her heart checked out. When she was sick with a horrible lurgy recently, the doctor had heard a heart murmer and thought it best to get it checked by the experts although she was fairly sure it was innocent.

Sophie quite enjoyed having stickers all over her. Fortunately the ultrasound and the AKG showed that all is completely normal and she has a slight "innocent" murmer which is not uncommon. Phew!
Gill came to visit Melbourne for almost a week and spent the first half staying at Nicholson St where a great time was had by all. She spent the second half at Dick and Barb's where the girls and Wilma visited to say goodbye.

The next day it was goodbye to Kasi and Raymond as well so Nicholson St is back to normal ie messier (Kasi does a sterling job of managing the household while she's here and Raymond did the outside pruning and clearing).

Yesterday Wilma and Rosie went to see Greg Wheeler at Peter Mac for Rosie's follow-up appointment. He checked her balance and strength and observed what we already knew, that she's normal, so the swelling has had minimal effect on her - just the headaches in the first few days which have not reoccurred since then. The process will be very gradual from now so he is handing Rosie back to Wirginia Maixner at Children's Hospital for monitoring and she will decide when to do the next MRI etc. Of course fingers and toes are crossed that Rosie's right vision will eventually return when the AVM starts to decrease in size. The girls are doing a mosaic school holiday course during the afternoons of the first week while Wilma is on the jury for the Australian Chamber Music Competition.