Jessye's back home for a few days after I drove to Howqua yesterday to pick her up. It was supposed to be today but Saturday's pretty full so I arranged to go yesterday instead. The 3+ hour trip home didn't seem too long because Jessye talked pretty much non-stop, filling me in on all the Howqua goss - who's annoyed with who, which teachers are really good and which aren't, which house lets her come over for Milo because her house finishes their week's tin in a day, etc. She elaborated on the food which doesn't sound too bad. Now that the weather's getting cooler they've gone from salad with dinner to hot veges and instead of iceblocks and occasionally icecream for dessert they have an entree (usually soup, which she likes) and a hot dessert only every few days but worth waiting for even if it's just peaches with custard. They seem to be able to eat as much as they like which is just as well because Jessye's finding she's eating much more than usual, no doubt because of all the physical exertion. Rockclimbing was one of the recent outdoor activities which Jessye said wasn't scary except for the abseiling. Their outdoor teacher led the way and then it was over the top for the girls two by two. You wouldn't catch me doing that.

She's finding mountainbiking lots of fun, especially the downhill bits even though she claims to be quite bad at it and falls off regularly. It's started to rain finally and one of their hikes was wet for most of two days but they have all the gear so don't suffer too much.