Rosie had another session with David the physio and we're now making use of the loading dock ramp down into the Museum basement for some walking exercises. The first day we got told off but they've got used to us now.

That night, on the 5th anniversary of 9/11, Rosie had her school concert for Grades 5 & 6. The theme was a clever adaptation of the Wizard of Oz using songs from various musicals. Rosie's class performed splendidly a song and dance routine of Chim chiminie etc from Mary Poppins. She kept up well with all the choreography. Sophie sat up the back with two mates and let out a very loud "Yay Rosie!" at one point.

Ed Allen was back in town to work with the MSO and we had a nice lunch together at the home of Robyn Hollands, MSO Development Manager, who had got to know Vicki and Ed when she and a friend stayed with them in Martinborough during an NZ cycling holiday. The other guest was MSO violinist, Eleanor Mancini, who is a very entertaining Russian immigrant.

That night, a rare Saturday night off for me, our good friends, Chris and Iona Charalambous, and sons, Peter and Chris, came over for dinner.

On Sunday the girls and I had a day at Chaddy (Chadstone Mall), which Rosie had been requesting for weeks if not months. We found a fabulous shop called Collar and Bone where one could buy doggie high fashion. We managed to avoid the frocks but came away with collars with diamante letters spelling Barney and Fred. Lunch at a sushi train with a real train was followed by a movie. Eleanor was around that evening. Sophie created history by requesting just veges for dinner.

On Sept 18 Rosie had an MRI but no results yet because Virginia was on leave so I should talk to her this week about that. The girls made a big effort to tidy the house in readiness for Kirsty (Peter's sister) and the boys' arrival on the 21st. They even arranged flowers. On their first day, Peter took them cruising around town while I had a trio rehearsal, ending up at Federation Square for a school holiday circus show at the "Edge" a versatile performance space where concerts often happen. That evening we went to our local Italian on Lygon St.

On Saturday Dave arrived (he'd had to stay till school finished) and was soon in foodie heaven at the Victoria Market.

The cousins have been getting on like a house on fire, instantly picking up from where they left off last Christmas. Somebody initiated a group art session after we got back from the market while Dave had a wee lie down to recover from his 4 am start in Christchurch.

That evening we had a fantastic time at Jim's Greek Tavern in Collingwood. Our waiter was particularly taken with Lachie and kept patting him on the head so was happy to
pose for a pic with the kids.

On Sunday Dave and Peter took the kids to Scienceworks, getting there by ferry from Southbank while Kirsty and I had a girls' shopping day. Unfortunately, on the way back they had to wait 45 minutes on a windswept pier for their late ferry and then for trams - the weather had taken a serious turn for the worse. They came home frozen.

Yesterday after Yum Char in Chinatown (forgot the camera), while I had a trio rehearsal for a concert this morning, the others tried to go to Polly Woodside, a restored sailing ship kids can usually go exploring on. Alas, it was closed for renovations. Instead Kirsty and Dave explored the casino and Peter and the kids took Fred and Barney out for a romp.