Round 2, day 1
I left Rosie asleep in theatre at 8:54am. Miika and David were talking outside - Michael was not there yet. Surgery is probably starting about 9:30.
She was showered and in her gown by 7:30 when I got to her room. Jessye was still fast asleep. Rosie and I filled in time working on the puzzle which is tantalisingly close to completion.

Sophie came over, Jessye was up and about working on the puzzle too and at about 8:15, the porter came to wheel Rosie down to the OR. We all accompanied her to the ante-room where the lovely French nurse we had last time was waiting for her again. After the paperwork was checked, I put on the gear to go to theatre with her.

Dr Neesan (I think that's his name), the anaesthetist, had a much harder time finding a good vein this time, since all the good spots had been well-used. He started on the right arm, then had a go at the left forearm and finally had success in the inner left elbow. Rosie is sporting bruises in all the likely spots. Then he gave her the relaxing drug which I think she needed after that lot.

There were unfamiliar brain pictures up on the screen from yesterday's CT and Rosie was worried it was someone else's brain but I reassured her that her name was next to them and they were just perspectives we weren't familiar with. I gave her a kiss, said "see you soon" and she was asleep quite soon after arriving in theatre. Jessye and Sophie, meanwhile, had gone to the Travelodge for breakfast. We're hoping that the ward 2 staff will be too overwhelmed by the amount of stuff we've got in Rosie's room that they will keep her room for her for when she goes back to the ward after a day or so in ICU.
Darling Rosie, you are such a amazing person; so beautiful, so brave. And Willie, you are a vision of wonderment yourself.The whole of Wellington has their fingers and toes crossed and our little hearts are bursting with admiration and love for you all.
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