Girls' night in.
There was a quick but big thunderstorm late afternoon today which was conducive to curling up inside for the evening. We didn't need dinner after our big lunch so got by snacking on leftovers.
How many people can you fit in a hospital bed?

The girls watched the NZ movie, "Boy" on Rosie's computer then we played boggle, gin and scrabble. By then it was about 9pm and Rosie was feeling quite tired. She hadn't had any naps today and only 6 hours sleep last night so we started getting ready for bed. Jessye is sleeping with Rosie tonight so that she has some comforting support before her big day tomorrow. The angiogram is very important because it will tell us whether Michael has removed all of the AVM or not. He's confident he has but we still have to wait and see. Rosie has agreed to have the angiogram with just some sedation this time as opposed to every other time at Children's Hospital when she had a general anaesthetic. Michael explained to her that the procedure will be much quicker and less of a big deal if she does it this way. It involves a small tube entering at the groin and being fed right up the artery to the AVM site where dye is shot through the area to show whether there is still any flow through any veins of the AVM. We hope not! Rosie's angiogram is scheduled for 9am tomorrow morning.
I will go over tomorrow morning earlyish to make sure I can at least accompany her downstairs to where it will be done - I'd really like to see the whole thing but that's probably not going to happen.
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