Rd 2, day 6, just chillin'
Rosie had a good night by herself last night, waking briefly but going back to sleep quickly. When I went over at 7:15, she was fast asleep so I let her sleep till 7:50 when the breakfast was delivered. Sophie came over to use Rosie's shower - she'd been traumatised yesterday when a huge cockroach ran over her feet in her Travelodge shower.
A package arrived for Rosie from her big bro, Will, and his girlfriend, Rosie, in Melbourne.

It was a box of magnificent cupcakes.

There was excitement all round and Rosie shared.

Peter came over, Rosie showered and we all went down to the cafe for Rosie's hot chocolate fix. Jo picked me up at 10:30 to take me to Bondi where my violin had been having maintenance done. We picked it up and Peter and Sophie will take it back home this evening so that I don't have to worry about it when Rosie and I are ready to go home. When I got back to Rosie's room, she was ready to go back outside so we heated up last night's pizza and had lunch outside the cafe. Rosalind appeared, bearing freshly made brownies and a box of new games for us.

After she left we played Gin before going back to the ward. Merlyne and David came later to take Peter and Sophie to the airport - our entourage is shrinking. Rosie and I did some of the exercises the speech pathologist had left for us, interspersed with brownie rewards for Rosie. The three of us remaining are sharing Rosie's dinner - we order the maximum number of variants each meal.
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