Day 15! Relaxed morning and MRI
Rosie texted me for the first time this morning since before the 2nd surgery. It was just one word: breakfast! but it was good that she was confident enough with letter and word recognition on a keypad. Her hand writing is fine but she hasn't been texting friends a) because reading theirs is laborious and b) because she loses track of what she's up to and then can't read what she's done so far.
Breakfast comes at about 7:45 and we've now got the nurses well-trained to not wake her up any earlier unless there's a pressing medical reason which there shouldn't be for the rest of our stay. She always has the All Bran with cold milk and I have everything else, which this morning was porridge followed by scrambled eggs on toast. Yum.
After lolling about till 9:00 or so, I persuaded madam to rise and shower. She scored a new black Tshirt which Jessye forgot to take with her. I'm quite enjoying the hair-brushing and so is Rosie because we're both intrigued with what will happen to it over the course of the next 3 weeks till she is allowed to wash it. She is enjoying the feel of her new spiky bits growing on top.
We went walkabout all over the place then went to the cafe for hot chocs and a game of Backgammon. Rosie wanted to see how her hair was looking on top so asked me to take faraway and close up photos.

Back in the room we did some of our language homework, focusing on reading. The naming of objects has improved a lot and word recognition is making slow but noticeable progress. It's a fascinating process for me to see the various aspects of how we know a word sometimes used in isolation or in succession by her brain to get to the word in the end. Sometimes Rosie will see the meaning of the word before she can read or say the actual word. An example I mentioned to Peter on the phone was particularly cute. She was looking at "lovely day" and said "top o' the morning!"

At 12:15 we walked down to the MRI room. Rosie was in a very playful, cheerful mood, dancing around the waiting area.

Her friend, Joey, told her that she likes the blog and so does her mum so I now have Rosie's blessing to take photos of her without being the annoying mother. Rosie again wanted me to take a photo of her growing spiky bits.

She hopped up onto the MRI bed, was slid in and I had time to do this blog.

She's out now and we're waiting to be walked upstairs which Rosie thinks is crazy since we roam all over the place willy-nilly.
Hi Wil
Robyn just emailed me this morning about Rosie. We are all thinking of you and Rosie and your family and hoping for the best.
Much love
Julia (& Edward, Laura & Claire)
Hi Rosie, I love these photos of you that your fabulous mum took. You are an incredibly inspiring young woman.
Lots of love Vanessa xxxx
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