Day 4 bright and early
I came to see Rosie at 6:15am and found her awake unable to sleep. She'd had some sleep during the night but interrupted by headaches. We took a wheelchair ride out to the 3rd floor garden outside her room and she walked a lap of it quite securely with me just holding an arm for insurance.
After a short snooze back in the room, Miika and David (Michael's other neurosurgical fellow from Switzerland) breezed in with Anne, team leader nurse. Rosie asked about the noise in her head. Miika explained she had extra air and brain fluid in the cavity which moved around and accounted for the sloshing she hears. They should be reabsorbed in a week or 2.

Also, if she can feel pain or any weird sensations coming from the scar area, that is because all those nerves that were sliced through to the bone are healing and trying to get back to work. It's normal and nothing to do with the brain.
It's all go this morning. Rosie had her first shower by herself using a chair in her bathroom. Then blood tests, then breakfast (All Bran) and now off to have a leg ultrasound to check on thrombosis.

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